All the code can be found on this branch if you look at main you’ll see future post content there!

For the API in this project we’re going to be using Axum, this is largely because of my own familiarity with Axum. Although, there is a small benefit where Axum and Tonic use the same request router so multiplexing between REST and gRPC becomes easier in the future if we want to do it.

One important tip when you’re looking at Axum, unlike actix-web and other frameworks there isn’t a website with a tutorial and examples so you have to rely on the docs and Github. When you go on Github view the tag for the version you’re using as the main branch potentially has a number of breaking changes that stop the examples from working with the last released version.

At time of writing the latest released Axum is 0.8.1 so this will be added to the Cargo.toml in the dependencies section:

axum = { version = "0.8.1", features = ["tracing", "ws"] }

With that preamble out of the way let’s get started with defining our function to launch the server. Initially, we’ll just start with a simple health-check, but in future we might want to change the health status if the service needs restarting. We’ll also add a shutdown signal for graceful shutdown so if we get a SIGTERM, the server will stop receiving connections and close after the last request is finished. I’ll also pass in our model’s StreamingContext because we know we’ll need that in future!

use tokio::signal;
use axum::{extract::Extension, response::Json, routing::get, Router};

async fn health_check() -> Json<Value> {
    Json(serde_json::json!({"status": "healthy"}))

fn make_service_router(state: Arc<StreamingContext>) -> Router {
        .route("/api/v1/health", get(health_check))

pub async fn run_axum_server(app_state: Arc<StreamingContext>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let app = make_service_router(app_state);

    // run it with hyper
    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await?;
    info!("listening on {}", listener.local_addr().unwrap());
    axum::serve(listener, app)

async fn shutdown_signal() {
    let ctrl_c = async {
            .expect("failed to install Ctrl+C handler");

    let terminate = async {
            .expect("failed to install signal handler")

    let terminate = std::future::pending::<()>();

    tokio::select! {
        _ = ctrl_c => {},
        _ = terminate => {},

Make service router is a separate function for one important reason - testability. This means our tests can easily create a router and test routes etc without binding to a port.

The health check API and all of our APIs designed to be used by users will be in a versioned API hence the /api/v1 prefix to the health check. Versioned APIs are great because they allow us to make breaking changes to our API and just increase the version. We can then potentially keep a backwards compatible endpoint and give users time to migrate any code relying on our service before we remove legacy APIs.

Now we add a launch_server function in the which the main function will call to launch everything. It will load a config file with the model settings, create the context and then launch the axum server.

pub async fn launch_server() {
    let config = fs::read("config.json")
        .expect("Couldn't read server config");
    let config = serde_json::from_slice(&config).expect("Couldn't deserialize config");
    info!(config=?config, "service config loaded");
    let ctx = Arc::new(StreamingContext::new_with_config(config));
    info!("Launching server");
        .expect("Failed to launch server");
    info!("Server exiting");

If we run our server we can now call the health check and see it all working:

$ curl localhost:8080/api/v1/health

This is all pretty simple stuff so far and you can find it in the Axum getting started documentation. The next part is where we start to up the complexity because it’s time to add in the websocket handler.


Websockets are a streaming protocol built on top of TCP that allows for bidirectional streaming. A websocket resembles a raw TCP socket more than HTTP as it allows streaming between client and server and before HTTP/2 it was the only way to do streaming where the client streams data into the server. If it’s only the server streaming SSE (Server-Sent Events), can be used with HTTP/1.1. Because of this we need to upgrade the HTTP connection to a websocket connection:

use axum::{
        ws::{Message, WebSocket, WebSocketUpgrade},

async fn ws_handler(
    ws: WebSocketUpgrade,
    vad_processing: bool,
    Extension(state): Extension<Arc<StreamingContext>>,
) -> impl IntoResponse {
    ws.on_upgrade(move |socket| {
        handle_socket(socket, vad_processing, state, metrics)

async fn handle_socket(
    socket: WebSocket,
    vad_processing: bool,
    state: Arc<StreamingContext>,
) {

Adding this to the router we get:

fn make_service_router(state: Arc<StreamingContext>) -> Router {
                move |ws, app_state| {
                    ws_handler(ws, false, app_state, metrics_enc)
                move |ws, app_state| {
                    ws_handler(ws, true, app_state, metrics_enc)
        .route("/api/v1/health", get(health_check))

I’m reusing the sample function for both the simple chunked API and the VAD segmented API, this is mainly because the only difference should be the method called on the context but everything else should be reused. In future we might want to separate it for better tracking of metrics per-endpoint, but as a first implementation we always want to strive for simplicity.

Well now, take a breath because now we’re finally set to finally write the last parts of the API defined in part 2. With this addition there will be a working API that can be called and audio streams in and responses and events out. Before we start coding lets refamiliarise ourselves with the steps we want to follow:

  1. Receive a start message from the client
  2. Use this to set up the audio decoding and inference tasks
  3. Receive audio and forward it into the decoding
  4. Connect audio decoding output to inference tasks (one per channel)
  5. Forward inference output to client
  6. Handle stop requests and either keep connection or disconnect
  7. Wait for another start or data to resume processing

Well waiting for a start message might be a moderately sized block of code that’s repeated. Splitting this into it’s own function used by handle_socket already makes sense. The Websocket type implements Stream and if we split it into a sending and receiving part the receiving part also implements Stream. Because of this I’ll make the function generic on Stream as it can make it easier to test in future and potentially avoids changing the type signature again. Time to implement it as follows:

use futures::stream::Stream;

async fn handle_initial_start<S, E>(receiver: &mut S) -> Option<StartMessage>
    S: Stream<Item = Result<Message, E>> + Unpin,
    E: Error,
    let mut start = None;

    while let Some(Ok(msg)) = {
        if let Ok(text) = msg.into_text() {
            match serde_json::from_str::<RequestMessage>(&text) {
                Ok(RequestMessage::Start(start_msg)) => {
                    info!(start=?start, "Initialising streamer");
                    start = Some(start_msg);
                Ok(RequestMessage::Stop(_)) => {
                    warn!("Unexpected stop received as first message");
                Err(e) => {
                    error!(json=%text, error=%e, "invalid json");

I’ve popped some tracing logs here just to make the process we go through when handshaking clear. This function will ignore any invalid messages and just receive messages from the websocket until it gets a start message or the client disconnects. For invalid start messages we may in future want to return an error to the user but we’ll assume that’s unnecessary for now.

The next steps will be to setup the receiver task to forward message to the client from the inference task, and then wait for the first message. I’ll make a small function for encoding the messages just to make the chained calls look tidier as well.

fn create_websocket_message(event: ApiResponse) -> Result<Message, axum::Error> {
    let string = serde_json::to_string(&event).unwrap();

async fn handle_socket(
    socket: WebSocket,
    vad_processing: bool,
    state: Arc<StreamingContext>,
) {
    let (sender, mut receiver) = socket.split();

    let (client_sender, client_receiver) = mpsc::channel(8);
    let client_receiver = ReceiverStream::new(client_receiver);
    let recv_task = client_receiver
            .map(|result| {
                if let Err(e) = result {
                    error!("error sending websocket msg: {}", e);

    let _ = task::spawn(recv_task);

    let mut start = match handle_initial_start(&mut receiver).await {
        Some(start) => start,
        None => {
            info!("Exiting with processing any messages, no data received");

    'outer: loop {
        todo!("need to start processing things!");

Here we use StreamExt::split to split the websocket into a sending and receiving part. This allows us to move sending and receiving into different tasks and do them concurrently instead of having to share one mutable Websocket instance.

The eagle-eyed among us may have realised I’ve preemptively put a label on the loop. This is because at the start of the loop we’ll be setting up the audio decoding tasks and inference tasks. Then we will loop through the stream of messages until we get a stop. After we get the stop a new start or more audio data will resume processing but we want the stop to force an end of processing of the existing audio. For that inference and decoding the audio is finished, so if they batch up in anyway they have to know the last audio is potentially a partial batch.

Setting up the inference tasks:

// Don't forget me from forwarding from inference to client
let (client_sender, client_receiver) = mpsc::channel(8);
// snip
'outer: loop {
    info!("Setting up inference loop");
    let (audio_bytes_tx, audio_bytes_rx) = mpsc::channel(8);
    let mut running_inferences = vec![];
    let mut senders = vec![];
    for channel_id in 0..start.format.channels {
        let client_sender_clone = client_sender.clone();
        let (samples_tx, samples_rx) = mpsc::channel(8);
        let context = state.clone();
        let start_cloned = start.clone();

        let inference_task = async move {
            if vad_processing {
            } else {
                    .inference_runner(channel_id, samples_rx, client_sender_clone)

        let handle = task::spawn(inference_task);
    // Transcoding and message processing 
    todo!("The rest of the owl");

    // Clean up inference task
    for handle in running_inferences.drain(..) {
        match handle.await {
            Ok(Err(e)) => error!("Inference failed: {}", e),
            Err(e) => error!("Inference task panicked: {}", e),
            Ok(Ok(_)) => {}

The transcoding task is also fairly simple, we just want to spawn the audio decoder with our channels passed in.

let transcoding_task = task::spawn(
    decode_audio(start.format, audio_bytes_rx, senders).in_current_span()

In our current function the last stage is to read the messages from the websocket and send down the appropriate channel. There’s also a small check after we join the running inferences so I’ll include a bit of the code from a previous sample again:

'outer: loop {

    // Code from setting up the inference and transcoding tasks

    let mut got_messages = false;
    let mut disconnect = false;
    while let Some(Ok(msg)) = {
        match msg {
            Message::Binary(audio) => {
                got_messages = true;
                if let Err(e) = audio_bytes_tx.send(audio.into()).await {
                    warn!("Transcoding channel closed, this may indicate that inference has finished: {}", e);
            Message::Text(text) => match serde_json::from_str::<RequestMessage>(&text) {
                Ok(RequestMessage::Start(start_msg)) => {
                    got_messages = true;
                    info!(start=?start, "Reinitialising streamer");
                    start = start_msg;
                Ok(RequestMessage::Stop(msg)) => {
                    got_messages = true;
                    info!("Stopping current stream, {:?}", msg);
                    disconnect = msg.disconnect;
                Err(e) => {
                    error!(json=%text, error=%e, "invalid json");
            Message::Close(_frame) => {
                info!("Finished streaming request");
                break 'outer;
            _ => {} // We don't care about ping and pong

    for handle in running_inferences.drain(..) {
        match handle.await {
            Ok(Err(e)) => error!("Inference failed: {}", e),
            Err(e) => error!("Inference task panicked: {}", e),
            Ok(Ok(_)) => {}
    if let Err(e) = transcoding_task.await.unwrap() {
        error!("Failed from transcoding task: {}", e);
    if !got_messages || disconnect {

When we receive binary data this is audio so we send into our transcoding task. If that sending has failed it means one of two things:

  1. Transcoding failed with an error
  2. We’ve had a single utterance request and the utterances have finished

In this case we break out of the message handling and when we await the other tasks we’ll see if anything went wrong.

For the text messages these should either be start or stop, these come when our current stream ends and a new one is starting or the connection will be closed.

If we exited the websocket message receiving without receiving anything then the client will have disconnected before we did anything and we want to exit, same with a disconnection request hence the check with a final break at the end.

Alongside this I’ve also written a small client to test this. It’s fairly simple using hound to read a WAV file and then streaming it either as fast as possible or in real-time. You can also set the configuration via the CLI. It shouldn’t be too hard to recreate with the tokio-tungstenite docs so I’ve skipped over it currently. But here’s the help text

Usage: client [OPTIONS] --input <INPUT>

  -i, --input <INPUT>            Input audio file to stream
      --chunk-size <CHUNK_SIZE>  Size of audio chunks to send to the server [default: 256]
  -a, --addr <ADDR>              Address of the streaming server (/api/v1/segmented or /api/v1/simple for vad or non-vad options) [default: ws://localhost:8080/api/v1/segmented]
      --real-time                Attempts to simulate real time streaming by adding a pause between sending proportional to sample rate
      --interim-results          Return interim results before an endpoint is detected
  -h, --help                     Print help

If you try with a voiced file you’ll see output for both endpoints. The bare minimum command given an audio called input.wav and the server running locally is:

client -i input.wav -a ws://localhost:8080/api/v1/simple
client -i input.wav -a ws://localhost:8080/api/v1/segmented

One thing to note, tungstenite has issues with proxies as per this issue. If you need proxy support for a client with your own projects you might want to look at some of the solutions in the linked issue.

With this we’ve tied together all the building blocks in the previous parts. We now have a working API and can stream audio into a model and get results back.